Essential Oils are a must have for your home treatments, not only do they provide soothing aromatherapy benefits but they also pack a strong medicinal punch. For instance ingesting frankincense oil can help modulate immune reactions and reduce inflammation. Renowned Lyme specialist Dr Klinghardt recommends taking 2 drops of medical grade frankincense internally 2x daily. He also advises putting 2 drops of oregano oil mixed with coconut oil on the bottoms of the feet 2x per day. Doterra has the only medical grade essential oils for internal use. No other essential oil by any other brand recommended on this page should be ingested internally, only doTerra.
He has also found that helichrysum, lemongrass and clove oil may also be beneficial oils to treat Lyme disease as well as bergamot and thyme oil.
He also recommends marjoram for painful muscles, it has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and can be used to calm the nervous system, it also helps detoxify the kidneys and heal nerves.
Juniper berry has antiseptic properties, it also increases circulation through the kidneys and promotes regeneration of the nerves. He recommends rubbing some over the kidney and adrenal area, and placing a drop behind the ears for tinnitus and sound sensitivity.
Peppermint can decongest the sinuses, soothe headaches, ease depression, and can be used on sore muscles. Use it on the temples for headaches or on the body for muscle aches and pains.
Melissa is powerful to help with nerve disorders and dealing with the heart or the emotions. It is anti-inflammatory, eases depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Below are links to essential oils as recommended by Doctor Klinghardt. There’s also links to other essential oils that can make a huge difference to your overall well-being and your healing journey.
Bergamot Oil
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powerful anti-parasitic, antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties
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Cinnamon Bark
antimicrobial, relaxes the mood
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muscle relaxant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and immunity booster
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Juniper Berry Oil
Nerve Healing
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relief for migraines and headaches
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Lemongrass Oil
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antibacterial and antiviral
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Melaleuca Alternifolia
(Tea Tree Oil) antimicrobial which has the ability to dissolve bio films
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Melissa Oil
Heals nerves and emotions
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strong antimicrobial and antioxidant
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soothing headaches
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memory loss and circulation
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powerful antimicrobial
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helps with focus
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